Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27: Organic Human Machines...

Sometimes going to sleep feels so good... but then at the same time it's the last thing you really want to do. This is where I am at and I still haven't decided which direction I would like to go... but either way I'm sure I will not want to get up in the morning... mostly because it is always too early! "You can sleep when you're dead", they say... but you can't function if you don't sleep. Ying and yang... I swear that the clock was the worst invention ever. Who really needs "Time" on their back nagging them constantly. Months become days, days become hours, hours become minutes and seconds barely ever exist. It seems so unnatural the way we function from day to day. I like to joke about it, but sometimes I really do think we're becoming organic human machines. Schedule... commit... perform... repeat and repeat again! I wonder what life would be like if we all just let it flow. If your life was just one big ocean and each day was a ripple in the water, that starts out small and builds like a wave and becomes... naturally, until it runs its course leaving each day complete instead of fragmented. Then the next day would just begin when it happens and worries come and leave like grains of sand shifting with the crashing waves. Man, I'm really dishing out some major horse-sh*t... guess it's time for bed ;-)


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