Sunday, December 27, 2020

Children of Movement

 I do not choose to force the world to turn. It will turn, and so I too will turn with it. I have spent too many hours trying to will it to stop. It moves with a force that is beyond us, beyond what we can control... What we should control. You cannot orchestrate the turning. It doesn't need you to do that, but you still find yourself pretending to conduct the turning. One day I will learn to give into the turn. Let it take me... Let it guide me... Let it bring me wholly with the turn. All things are temporary and beyond us. All we need is to understand is the the turn... The pull... The movement. We exist to flow with the turning, to be in constant motion... Mind and body... Until we are not. We are the children of movement. The Earth our Mother, Time our Father. Both equally caring and loving... But also "not". We are no different, we are these pieces to our own children, and as such they will love us and hate us equally for these things. No matter how we try to justify ourselves. Turn.

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